In den letzten Jahren hat der digitale Wandel alle Wirtschaftsbereiche erreicht. Die NRO als Schlüsselakteure im sozialen Bereich für die Europäische Union und als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Strategie Europa 2020 dürfen dabei nicht zurückbleiben. Die digitale Transformation bedeutet eine größere Effizienz in der Struktur, den Prozessen und den Ergebnissen von Organisationen. Wir können einige der Verbesserungen hervorheben, die die digitale Transformation mit sich bringt: Besserer Zugang zu menschlichen, technischen und finanziellen Ressourcen. Größere Wirkung der Ergebnisse der Projekte der Organisation. Wir werden ein Toolkit erstellen, mit dem wir den NROs und ihren Mitarbeitern die Digitalisierung näher bringen, das in vier Dimensionen unterteilt ist: Webdesign, Erstellung von Inhalten, interne Verwaltung sowie Sichtbarkeit und Wirkung.
What a ride! Our heartfelt congratulations to all partners, participants and friends in this project. We learn so much along the way and are so thankful for the amazing collaboration. We are so proud of the content we produced and that so many people joined our events and used our materials. Looking forward to our future collaborations.
We are proud to have conducted a webinar on the NGO Village project, focusing on Visibility and Impact. We received active feedback, and Matthias and Bettina thoroughly enjoyed discussing our experiences and presenting the NGO Village project to our audience, providing them with valuable content.
Find here our new press release with an update and overview of our great project.
An online meeting took place on September 27, 2023, regarding the NGO Village project, where the partners from Sicily, Croatia, Spain and Austria collectively planned the next steps and clarified the most important aspects for the upcoming webinar.
We are so excited to present our new website of our project. You can find on our website for NGO Village, the tool kit, many different materials, all our videos and webinars. Happy exploring.
Popedu started to cut all the videos for the partners. We are using iMovie for the editing. iMovie is a free video editing application made by Apple for the Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad. The toolkit is slowly coming together, and we are so excited to soon present the first final videos to the partners.
Finally, we gathered again to discuss the outcomes of the working phase and the partners made great progress in the contents and videos.
All project partners are working on their modules of the toolkit (data collection, design and writing) and the videos.
We are so happy to have hosted our partners from the NGO Village project in Vienna. Together we developed the toolkit further and filmed the first videos in the Student Hotel Vienna. Next to hard work, we explore the city in a historic city walk and enjoyed Viennese cuisine. Thank you all for the fantastic collaboration.
We have good news for you!🤩 We are working hard so that you will soon be able to enjoy the fruits of our activity.📈 Today we had an online meeting 💻 where participants from Spain, Austria, Croatia and Italy prepared some of the content that we will have ready for you very soon! It was also the last online meeting before the reunion in Austria, which will take place in early October, where we will record some videos 🎥 meant to help to digitalize your organization.
We just started our project's Instagram: Come by and say hi! :)
The project partners voted and agreed on a logo and colors at the TM in Madrid. Now the mini brand guide is ready for all partners to use for the project including variants of the project logo, Instagram icons, color codes, partner logos, the EU logo, posting templates as well as useful links.
We had a great meeting with the team members in beautiful Madrid. After our kick-off online, it was finally time to get to know each other in person and move the project forward. The collaboration was great and so many ideas for the growth of the project could emerge. Also, we voted and decided on our project logo.
Finally, a new project again! We had a great start into our project "NGO Village". For the kick-off we could unfortunately only meet online, but face-to-face meetings will follow soon. Here is to the next steps and great collaboration with our partners from Croatia, Italy and Spain.
Ermöglicht wurden diese Projekte durch Mittel aus Erasmus+ , dem Programm der Europäischen Union für allgemeine und berufliche Bildung, Jugend und Sport. Ein besonderer Dank geht an das Team unserer Nationalagentur und der Executive Agency.