Storytelling is a powerful tool for inspiring action and change and for influencing thought leaders and decision makers as well as the wide mass. Storytelling, used effectively, advances intercultural diversity and understanding. SAID advances youth workers’ knowledge, skills and tools in the field (digital) storytelling. Youth workers are furthermore provided with methods to improve young peoples’ level of key competencies and skills in communications, storytelling and new media. Ultimately, youth workers are equipped to understand and use (digital) storytelling to promote and foster intercultural understanding, tolerance and diversity.
HI Hostel Vienna Brigittenau & Brigittenau Youth Palace
Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 73, 1200 Wien
These projects were made possible by funding of Erasmus+, the European Union programme for education, youth, training and sport. A special thanks to the team of our National Agency and the Executive Agency.